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Article 9 Common Pool Opening Mistakes By Probuilt Staff March 26, 2023

Spring has sprung! Sunnier days are ahead! Are you ready to dive into your backyard swimming pool and begin celebrating the warmer and longer days ahead? We sure are. However, before you begin the process of opening your backyard pool for the upcoming swim season, there are a few items of note of which you should be aware.
Getting your pool ready for swim season doesn’t mean you can simply remove the cover and jump in. You have to prep your pool for summer. That being said, even if you know what you are doing – or think you know what you are doing – there are some common pool opening mistakes that pool owners often make.
9 of the Top Pool Opening Mistakes
- Failing to clean the pool deck. Some of the “to do” items on your pool opening list don’t necessarily include the pool itself. There are things on the perimeter to which you must attend. For example, you need to take the time to clean off the pool deck. Over the winter months, appreciable dirt, debris, and grime have inevitably built up on it. When you clean your pool deck, you keep that dirt and debris from finding its way into your pool.
- Failing to clean the pool cover. If you do not remove the leaves, dirt, and other filthy matters from the pool cover before you remove it, you run the risk of all that gunk falling into your pool. Now you have yet another job on your hands! Save yourself the time and effort and clean off the pool cover before you even think about removing it. A hose and a brush work well for solid covers. A leaf blower can be a great help with mesh covers.
- Falling to keep proper water levels. As you are cleaning the pool cover and the pool deck, take the time to refill the pool to get it to appropriate water levels. It can take a while to get the water levels up, so this is a great time to multitask.
- Failing to pull all of the plugs from the pool. You don’t want to potentially damage the plumbing of your pool, so be sure to remove the plugs you installed before winter began last year. Make sure you get all of them, too, including the ones from the skimmer, the returns, any spa jets, the cleaner line, and any other plumbing lines you may have plugged when you winterized your pool.
- Failing to open all of the valves. This is easy to do. If forgotten, you could run the risk of damaging your pool system. To keep your pump from over-working itself, make sure all of the valves are open and ready to do their business!
- Failing to attend to the filter details. Before you turn on the pump, it is important to put the drain plug/cap and pressure gauge back into place on the pool filter. Be sure to fully tighten the filter tank clamp, too.
- Failing to run the filter long enough. It may seem like a long time, but it is okay – and normal! – to leave your pool filter system on and running around the clock until the pool water has cleared. Will it cost you a few more energy dollars? Yes. However, you will save money in the long run, and you will also save yourself some time clearing the pool.
- Failing to adjust the pool water’s alkalinity and pH. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when opening their pool for the season. The pH level should be between 7.4 and 7.6. The total alkalinity should be between 80-120 ppm for most pools.
- Failing to understand how to properly add the pool chemicals. It may be tempting to add all of the pool chemicals at once. However, it is best to add them gradually and over time. Start the first day by adjusting the water balance and shocking the pool. Next, add clarifier on Day 2. On Day 3, you can incorporate the stain and scale treatment. On Day 4, it is time for the algaecide.
Remember! These are just a few of the things pool owners can often overlook. If you are uncertain as to how you should properly open your backyard pool for the season, just let us know. We are more than happy to provide instruction and guidance on this matter. A properly opened pool is a cleaner, healthier pool. Plus, you will spend less time messing with it and more time enjoying it!
Probuilt Pool & Patio is here to assist you with all of your pool-related needs. As the Midwest’s largest inground fiberglass pool builder, we proudly serve homeowners in Kansas City, St, Louis, Omaha, Columbia, and Des Moines.